It was beautiful.
All of the other 3rd graders were raving about my horse.
I couldn't wait to take it home and show my mom and dad!
That afternoon when I proudly showed my mother the horse I had drawn at school that day...
It was THAT good :)
I made it my goal in life to prove to my mom that I COULD draw. To this day, I bring pictures and paintings to her and say, "look what I drew mom!". I'm almost 24. Yes... I am that girl.
But there is something to be said for goals.
It's easy to go through life day to day, living life flying by the seat of your pants (do you know where that saying comes from??? I guess that's another post :). I like to just LIVE... enjoy life... not make plans (okay, so that's not ENTIRELY true... I do plan like crazy... but still).
Lately things have really picked up, and I feel the need to set some goals for myself. So since this is my birthday month, and the start of a new year (because you know, the new year doesn't REALLY start until I've had my birthday!), I have decided to set some goals for the next year, and share them with all of YOU! Next year, we can all look back and reflect on them together!
So here we go... my goals for the next year:
1. Accomplish 5 more things from my life list
2. Book at least 7 weddings
3. Book at least 18 additional shoots (everyday, in love, wiggles and giggles, etc.)
4. Go to at least one workshop
5. Enter at least 3 photo contsts
6. Attend 3 networking opportunities
7. Buy at least 2 new lenses
8. Launch a new website (hopefully using showit?)
9. Get workflow down (including mom)
11. Get office set up
Some of these are big goals... some are not so big. But at least it is a starting place. I am really excited about the future of this endeavor and I can't wait until next year when we look back and see that I've accomplished these things!
And in light of yesterday's post, I just want to take a minute and thank God for the blessings in my life. I am so thankful for my family... my mom and dad who love and support me regardless... who back me and my crazy ideas and believe in me when no one else does. I am so thankful for my wonderfully amazing friends (even though it's a small group, it's a wonderful group!). For Javier, Bianca, Allison, Sam, Sarah, David and everyone else that I didn't mention. Thank you for backing me and standing behind me and loving me and supporting me. Thanks for having crazy adventures with me and smiling and laughing instead of mocking my wild ideas and silly utterings. I am thankful for wonderful, beautiful cousins who always have been and always will be the very BEST of my friends. Heidi, Holly and Rebecca, you are beautiful and amazing and talented and I cannot wait to see where God takes you. For my teens... you are wonderful and amazing and I am so grateful that I get to be a part of your lives... that you allow me to hang out with you and talk to you and share life with you. You are the light in my life and you are what keeps me going on so many days that I want to give up. Thank you for being real.
Take the time today to tell your friends and family that you love them! Because you never know when you won't have that chance anymore!
And since no one likes a post without a picture... here I am at work yesterday with NO MAKE UP(and taken with my phone)! I know... you're all wondering why I would post such a thing in the INTERNET... well, one of my personal goals is to be more comfortable in my own skin. So I guess we'll start here....

Thank you for sharing Diandra! Can't wait to see the outcome of those goals!
WHOA!!! I got blog love!!! Woohooooooo!
Yes, I do love and support you and PRAY for you, too. I'm so proud of everything you're doing and look forward to doing more (like FRIENDSathon).
as lovely as that quick pic of you is, i am sure it would have been even better had it been taken with a palm pre . . . just a thought.
You will so accomplish those goals!!! Its going to be fantastic!!! You're wonderful! Loves!
wow. I am soo there with you on the "feeling comfortable in my own skin". I struggle with that everyday....actually my entire life! I have trouble posting decent pics of myself.
Well from what I see, make up or not, you're lovely. Of course being your grandmother, I know I'm right. You'll meet those at a time.
I love you always!
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