If you're a regular reader of my blog, you probably remember the
posts about my
mom. I think she's pretty cool. But what I think is ALSO very cool is the fact that she is not only my mom, but my friend. And now... She is my business partner. Or something like that. We're still figuring everything out, but as my business develops, I am finding there are things I'm really good at, and things I'm not so good at. I am also finding that I need help because at times I am completely overwhelmed. So I am very excited to announce that my mom (Julie Miller) will be coming on board with me to help me run Diandra Ann Photography and everything that entails :) She will be doing a lot of the paperwork and business side of things... so if you send an email, or you leave a message, or you book me to shoot... you will probably have an interaction with her at some point. But don't worry, she's super cool! I am so excited that she will be helping me and my brain... my crazy-creative-huge-over.the.top-think.outside.the.box-burst.the.bubble brain... she'll be helping us get organized and stay on top of things. So I am pleased to introduce my mom. Welcome to my world mom! I love you!
This picture was taken on the airplane on the way to our annual summer trip to Oregon. My mom and I go up and visit her mom and we always have a blast. We're headed there again in July! PS... mom now that you work for a photographer, we really need to take some new pictures of you! :) YAY!

On another note... I have a VERY exciting wedding I'm shooting this weekend (it's for my roommate from college,
Rachel and her fiance,
Charles). I am so excited but I'll be traveling up North, so if I have a few days with no post... just wait until I get back!
Couldn't have picked a better partner. She's a busy gal. Make sure she gets her sleep.....
Yay! Keep it in the family :)
yes, i think new pics are a good idea. there is something wrong with my neck in this one. i'm sure it is the airplane lighting . . .
i am so excited for this new phase of your business. i can hardly wait to get things organized! staples, here we come!!!
Sounds like a great new adventure for you and your mom. Well keep you both in our prayers.
How cool! I've had it on my mind to someday officially incorporate my dad into my business. He's pretty much already the head of marketing... if you consider how much he's constantly bragging about me to everyone he meets. Seriously, he carries a stack of business cards everywhere he goes, and whenever he meets someone who is engaged, he HAS to promote me and my photography. It's pretty funny... and kind of embarrassing at times. I'm still not sure whether or not it's a good thing :-)
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