I was excited and nervous and worried... and scared out of my mind.
As soon as I got there I found out that I would be living in the 5th floor lounge with a bunch of other girls. We were basically overflow.
I was terrified.
What if I didn't like them?
What if they didn't like me?
What if I snored?
Then I met Rachel.
She was beautiful, she was funny, she was sweet.
And she was one of my roommates.
We clicked right away, and for the first semester of my freshman year, she became my best friend. God blessed me with amazing friendships and roommates throughout my years at PLNU, but Rach was the first.
Las week I headed up North to Exeter, California to shoot her engagement pictures.
Yep, Rachel is getting married next month.
And her finance is PERFECT!
Okay, well, he's not perfect, but he's perfect for her.
I cannot wait to shoot their wedding next month!
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from last week.
We started out at the same place they'll be getting married in just one short month!

Charles had Rachel's ring for MONTHS before he proposed (he was waiting for her parents blessing!). His grandfather is a jeweler and he had it made especially for her. It has this beautiful detailing on the band. So unique!

Their session was so great that I split it between two posts... I just couldn't decide! So I'll be posting the second half in the next few days! Make sure to check back!
Rach and Charles... thanks SO MUCH for being my friends and letting me take your pictures! You were AMAZING and I can't wait for you to see the rest... and I can't wait for your wedding!
Also, you may have noticed that I have added a watermark to my pictures. As I develop my business, I am learning as I go. The lovely Ms. Tira J suggested watermarking my images. So I'm trying something new. It may change in the upcoming posts :)
Diandra, good job on the watermark. That was one of the first things I noticed in this post. You need to protect your hard work. Great shots.
Hey... I snore....! But my husband loves me so much he doesn't care....or he got used to it....or he's so tired and has a really deep sleep... or whatever it is.... Well anyway... I just wanted to share... I Snore>>>> opps...yeah... I Do!!!
Rachel totally looks like she could be your sister! Great job!
Great shoot! I'm so proud of you :) Can't wait to see tomorrow!
Great images Diandra! And thanks for the kudos, the watermarks look great. And yes, let's do Disneyland soon!
Sorry... last time I talked about my snoring problem and forgot to tell you...Nice pis!!!!LoVe ThEm....You get better and better..... Can't wait to see more!!!
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