I am thrilled to share the second half of Rachel and Charles' engagement session. Some of my favorite images ever are in this post! I cant wait for you to see them! And in honor of that, I'm taking another suggestion that has been made to me a couple of times and posting my images a little bigger. Let's see how that works out :) Enjoy!
These first few are in front of their house. It is Charles' house that Rachel currently lives in (he moved back in with his parents before the wedding so she could live there... so sweet!). I'm in love with their house... it was built in the 40's (if I remember correctly). Beautiful!

So as we were taking these pictures, Charles kept making me laugh. Finally, he said, "I like kissing her and looking at the camera... it's provocative." And I said, "that is soooo going on my blog" :)

But then we got a good laugh... and some great pictures!

This. Is. My. Favorite. Picture. Ever.

And this shed was in their backyard! Awesome!

I asked them how they felt about jumping pictures. They decided it was a definite must. I particularly like this one, as Rachel is clear and Charles is blurred. I like it :)

So cute.

They are just so sweet with each other.

Charles was a HAM. And I was finally able to catch him in the act. Here he is "posing".

I love the second one below. That is so them!

Another one of my favorites.

Love that lens flare!

I love Exeter. I want to marry it. Or at least take all kinds of pictures there! Ah.

More lens flare... A-MAZE-ING!!!

Did I mention Rachel's ring is GORGEOUS? Charles' grandpa is a jeweler and he made it. Incredible!

Once again, you guys are amazing! I hope you LOVE them! I know I do! Love you guys!
Beautiful work Diandra!
i love the larger size (even though i can only see half at a time on my teeny tiny computer . . . )
I swear these are your best yet! Congrats!!
I love the variety of backdrops and expressions. Great work again! Also, the bigger photos are so much better.
I can't see the images :( We have a blocker at work so I think that's why. I'll check at home :)
Yay for much larger images! Glad it worked out. Love the images as well. My favorites are the lens flare! Great job Diandra!
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