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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Camp Counselor Diandra

This week I am gone... AGAIN!

I know it seems that I have been incredibly busy... which is probably because I have been!

But this week I am taking off and heading into the mountains.
Without my big camera.
Without internet.
Without my ipod.
Without my laptop.

Just me, the wilderness and a whole bunch of teenagers!
I'm spending the week being a counselor at camp for teens. I do this two times a year and I adore it. I look forward to it every year. I'll admit it feels a little odd leaving technology at home, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

There will be blogs posting while I'm gone (see how I plan ahead??). I'll be returning emails and such when I get back next week!

Have a fantastic week!


Shadows of me and some of the teens :)