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Monday, April 19, 2010

Teaser: Casey and Elise: Orange Engagement

I think Engagement sessions are my favorite.
The End.

Casey and Elise put so much thought into theirs and I am so excited to share all of their pictures, but for now, here is a little peak at what we shot yesterday!


I LOVE the tattoos on Casey's hands... and isn't it fitting??

More about this amazing car on the long post. I'll just say this. Casey has spent a LOT of time on it!

And for anyone who loves my amazing logo as much as I do, I have Elise to thank. She is a super talented graphic designer and if you need anything done, I totally recommend her!


Jewelielyn said...

i think i am going to love these pictures--they have a unique look that i think is going to be really cool to see! i can't wait for the rest!

Anonymous said...

lovely shots.....!