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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Little Girls in Tutu's

When I was young, I had a dress up box.
When I opened that box, I could be anyone I wanted to be... a princess, a mommy, a cheerleader, a chef, a fairy, or even a ballerina. There is just something about playing dress up that brings out the girlie in little girls.

Yesterday I got to bring out a whole lot of girlie in two adorable little girls. A BIG thanks to my friend Nicole for donating the tutus and headbands (she MAKES them!), as well as the wonderful Crystal for second shooting and helping me keep track of two rambunctious girls.

Here's a little sneak peak (new logo and all!)


Bianca said...

How precious!

. s h e r r y * said...

Love the sneak peaks! :) And your new logo is awesome!