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Friday, January 22, 2010

Teaser: Baby Jacob

I remember the day she asked me.
I was full of excitement, nervousness, and terror.
Photograph the birth of your child? Like the actual birth? Like when he's born???
I so badly wanted to say yes. And then I did. Without even thinking. The words just leaped out of my lips. And that was that. I was going to be photographing the birth of her child. I took their maternity photos, and we had a blast. She warned me that I should watch some videos of births and maybe even look at some other photos. So I did. And I was STOKED. I knew I was going to get to witness an amazing miracle!

As it turned out, Jenn went past her due date, so they scheduled a c-section and I wasn't able to be in the room. But they allowed me a chance to take a few shots during Jacob's first minutes of life. I went back to visit a few days later and got some more. I can't wait for the newborn pictures that we're doing in the next couple of days, but for now, here's a little sneak peak:

Darrin and Jennifer, congratulations... he is beautiful! And thank you so much for allowing me into your family for these precious moments!


Anonymous said...


-brittany- said...

Babies are such little miracles. What an honor to get to photography such an event.

Jennifer Brotchie said...

that's awesome! at least it was scheduled and not at 2 in the morning! You owe him one when he gets older... ;)