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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wedding: Kevin and Christine

I am claustrophobic.
Meaning, I hate to be inside enclosed spaces.
I don't know if it's hereditary, but I'm convinced I got it from my mother.
I take it one step further, and I am terrified of places that I cannot see a way out.
The Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland? We have a love/hate relationship... I love that ride but I HATE waiting in line because there is NO. WAY. OUT...

I used to have the WORST time driving in heavy traffic on the freeway. I would get trapped between several cars in my little Ford Focus and see no way of escaping. There were times I would cry.... phone a friend... or exit the freeway and wait for it to go away. I did find a solution to this problem however... I bought a Jeep. With 33 inch tires. It can run over ANYTHING! So if I get stuck in traffic, I just have to remind myself that if I needed to, I could run over the other cars to get off the freeway.

It is for this very reason that I HATE to fly. Which is really very ironic considering I LOVE airports. There is just something about them... But once you're in that airplane, there is no getting out! I have to trick myself into flying. So it was quite a big step when I agreed to fly up to Eureka, California to second shoot a wedding with Muir Adams. But we got some great shots!

Here are just a few of my favorites from the day. You may remember the first two from the teaser I posted a few days ago...



Her ring belonged to her grandmother and her sister designed the wedding band.


Love those Nor Cal details :)


I couldn't get enough of these flowers!


A barn? Yes please!


The bridesmaids bouquets were just as beautiful!


This was the coolest thing... they had this property all scattered with sculptures and statues. This was one that Kevin's dad had given his mom for their anniversary.






They got married under that purple tree.


My favorite shot of the day.

So cute :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Football Season!

It's been a little while since I talked about something other than a shoot on here, and while I know you all LOVE pictures (that's why you keep coming back, right? :) Part of the reason I write this blog is as a journal of my life RIGHT NOW.

And RIGHT NOW... it's football season!

I'm a sports girl... I've always played on sports teams from the time I was young (we're talking like 1st grade)... basketball, volleyball, soccer, waterpolo, golf... you name it, I've played it! I have this ever growing competitive nature that seems to be contained on normal days, but put me on a court (field, course, etc) and the big monster of competitiveness comes leaping out.

When I headed off to college, I was set and determined to be a lawyer. I knew that's what I was going to do and I was going to do it well. I registered for classes with that in mind. I was quickly dissatisfied and decided that this was not the direction for me. I didn't want to be stuck in an office (or a courtroom) every day until I died. Or retired. Whichever came first. So I started thinking about the things that I enjoy and how I could make a living doing something that I love. I decided to change my major to Physical Education. Yes, PE. I was a PE major. I decided that I would teach high school PE and play sports everyday for the rest of my life. Sounded pretty good to me! So that is what I majored in until I was done at Point Loma Nazarene University. Little did I know that my life would take all kinds of different turns and I would never set foot inside a high school gym as a PE teacher.

My love of sports grew during that time as I learned the ins and outs of different sports, and how to teach them. I even got to spend a year as a PE teacher (with my roommate, Rachel) for 1st and 2nd graders and 5th and 6th graders. Those are some of my very best memories from college. I don't have so much time for playing sports anymore (although I AM going to the gym 5 times a week), but I have taken to watching other people play.

A couple of years ago, I decided that I needed a football team to be MY team. I have grown up watching football... in high school, with my dad, my friends... it always seems to find me. But I have never really chosen a team. There were a few months when I was young that I decided I loved the Dallas Cowboys because my cousin, Troy, loved them... and I thought he was super cool. Then there was that week that I loved the 49ers because we met one of the players in our small town Wal-Mart and he signed my hat (that I bought at Wal-Mart just so he could sign it). As a 22 year old, I decided it was time I found a team. So I began asking people why they chose the teams they chose. I got many different answers...

Because they are in the same physical area
Because they have pretty helmets (my mom)
Because their mascot is cool
Because they have pretty colors
Because you're dad likes them
Because they're the best team in the league at the time
Because they're the worst team in the league at the time

When I started asking around, I couldn't believe the response I got. People are PASSIONATE about their football teams! My dad and I had quite a conversation as he tried to convince me to root for his Seahawks.

Diandra- "So what are Seahawks exactly?"
Dad- "They're like hawks that eat fish!"
Diandra- "arent there any teams that have mascots that dont kill things?"
Dad- "You mean like the Louisville fluffy puppies?"
Diandra- "Now that's a team I could really get behind..."
Dad- "with pink and teal uniforms?"
Diandra- "No dad, that is way too girlie... pink and BLACK... cuz boys like black..."

Unfortunately the Louisville Fluffy Puppies do not exist. So I was back to searching for a team. After lots of conversations with lots of different people, and endless emails with some great arguments and some not so great arguments, I chose the Miami Dolphins. Keep in mind this was 2007... if you remember, that was the year they lost EVERY GAME... well, except one. So I am a true fan :)

I have some great friends that are Dolphins FANATICS... they have a ceremony before the opening game... a blanket you can't step on... a whole lot of yelling (especially if you walk in front of the screen at the wrong time) and Dolphins colors EVERYWHERE. I even bought a jersey because I felt so left out... and that's what really solidifies you as a fan, right?

So as we get ready to start this season (my 3rd official season as a Dolphins fan), I would love to know who you root for and why. And for those of you without a team... I highly recommend the Miami Dolphins... Or there's always the Louisville Fluffy Puppies :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yay for new things! And a little wedding teaser :)

There are moments in my life when I stop... look around... take a deep breathe... and smile.
Because at THAT moment... no matter what else is going on in my life... I feel content.

I've had a lot of those moments lately... even at the times when my life seems to be spinning and crazy and out of control... those moments keep me going.

Today I want to share not only a preview of a wedding I got to second shoot with Muir Adams, but also a preview of some new branding that I'm working on! I'm really excited about it! And if you are a potential client, you'll see even more of it! :)



Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Everyday: Jones Family (Contest Winners!)

You may remember several weeks back I ran a contest for military families. The winning entry was sent in by Jennifer, who nominated her cousin Amanda and her family. I was touched by their story... to the point of tears (okay, I admit it doesn't take much)...and I couldn't wait to meet them and take their pictures!

We met near their house, and headed to a place that Amanda had scouted out ahead of time. I loved it! They were as genuine and warm and amazing as I could ever have imagined. At the time that I met them, Jarrid was only 17 days away from deployment, and I was so glad to have this chance before he had to leave his family again. Their little boy Jameson is absolutely the most adorable child. Ever. And I can see the love they have for each other and for him.

I cannot wait to share these photos with you, so without further ado... here are my favorites.



There was a duck swimming in the pond where we were shooting and he was sooo excited about it. He kept pointing and giving me this look :)

SUCH a beautiful family!

I liked watching Jarrid with Amanda. For being a big tough marine, he sure had a soft spot for her and Jameson. (And a side note, was one of the MOST cooperative men I have ever shot!)


As soon as I saw Amanda's tattoo of baby Jameson's footprints, I knew I had to get this shot!

Look at him with his daddy... these are a couple of my favorites of them together!




Hello gorgeous eyes!
And just plain gorgeous!!!







This is Jameson's "mad dog" face. He would laugh so hard after he would do it.

He was a smart kiddo... mom said "nose" and this is what I got.

Jarrid, Amanda and Jameson... thank you SO much for allowing me into your lives for an afternoon. I am beyond blessed by you. And Jarrid, thank you for serving our country and fighting for our freedoms. Amanda, thank you for supporting him. I am convinced that your job is the hardest. And Jameson... your mom and dad are heroes. And you are adorable :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

I ♥ Faces- "completely candid"

This week's contest was an easy one for me to pick. I have SOOOO many candid shots, most from different shoots I've done, where I've managed to catch someone off guard, but this is probably my very favorite picture I've taken. Ever.

This shoot was several months ago, and it was for my beautiful and talented friend, Erika. She's a model, so I was getting all kinds of fierce, awesome shots of her... but at this point in the shoot, I managed to catch her off guard (and still totally looking model-esque) and I absolutely ADORE this shot! I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I think it's just the fact that when I scroll through all of the awesome shots... this one just stands out because it is really candid and I totally caught her laughing. Most of the others were so serious and posed (because that's what we were going for!).

I think candid shots are my favorite.... the ones where you manage to catch actual interactions between people in the middle of posed shots. But this one definitely had to be entered this week!


Note to I ♥ Faces... I cant seem to get your logo on here. So I've just linked your site... hope that's okay!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fashion Shoot part 5

I am so excited about all of the shoots that I've had going on the last few weeks... and I cannot wait to show them to you! In the next week or so you will be seeing my contest winners and 2 awesome weddings! I've got all kinds of stuff going on, but I wanted to show you a few more great shots from the fashion shoot. Lisa and Noaln were awesome together... and I had a blast shooting them! Here are a few of my favorites from their shoot.










