He wasn't much older.
It was the night before Valentine's day and I was talking to our mutual friend on the phone.
"Diandra you need to break up with him before tomorrow."
"Break up??? But we're not even going out?!?!?"
"Well he thinks you are."
"But tomorrow is Valentine's day. I don't want to hurt his feelings."
"It will be worse if you wait."
I hung up the phone, and with a heavy heart, dialed another number.
That night I broke my friend's heart.
I didn't even know we were dating.
Fast forward.
It was the night before Valentine's day and the doorbell rang.
I ran to the door in my bear feet and PJs.
Flinging open the door, I got a face full of fuzzy teddy bear.
LARGE fuzzy teddy bear.
"Happy Valentine's day. I know it's early, but I wanted to be the first to tell you." His muffled voice came from behind the bear's head.
Shocked, I took the bear, thanked him, and closed the door.
In his face.
I ran awkwardly to my room, shut the door and covered my head in embarrassment.
Needless to say, we did not work out.
A few years later.
It was the night before Valentine's day and I was with a boy that I loved.
That night he asked me to spend the rest of my life with him.
This time, I was not the heart breaker.
Last night, on the Eve of Valentine's day, my phone buzzed.
I was half asleep.
"Happy Valentine's Day."
Kuwait is 11 hours ahead, so for him, it was already Valentine's day.
But for me, it was still the night before Valentine's Day.
I groggily tried to type out a response: "Happy Valentine's day love."
"Were you sleeping?" He asked.
"Yes, but it's okay, I'm always glad to hear from you."
"Well then go back to sleep. But first, can I ask you a question?"
"Of course." I replied, fighting the heaviness that threatened my eyelids.
"Will you be my Valentine?"
Yes, Javi. I will be your Valentine.
You are the only boy who has ever asked me to be his Valentine.
You are the only boy I have ever said yes to.
And I will continue to say yes to you today,
and every day until I breathe my very last breath.
I've had my share of heartbreaks.
And I have broken my share of hearts.
While none were fun, I am grateful that each one has lead me here.
And today, on Valentine's day, I know that my heart will never again be broken.
Even though on this day of love, half of my heart is halfway across the world...
...fighting a war...
...I am grateful that my heart is safe with him.
Today I cannot hug or kiss him, or go to dinner, or see a movie with him.
I had to send his Valentine last month in order to get it there on time (which of course it didn't).
Even though I will spend today working and in meetings...
Today is the best Valentine's day ever, because I know that I am loved by the most amazing man.
Today is the best Valentine's day ever, because it is our first engaged.
Today is the best Valentine's day ever, because it is our last engaged!
In less than a month, I get to marry my very best friend.
The first boy who ever asked me to be his Valentine.
And the only boy I will ever say yes to.
I love you Javi, Happy Valentine's Day!

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