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Sunday, September 5, 2010

FAQ Video blog part 1

I typically think of myself as a creative person.
You have to be to do what I do, right?
Well today I attempted being creative with my post by doing a video.

What I discovered is that I am not only creative...
But I apparently like to talk.
Even when no one is ACTUALLY listening.
I talked for 15 minutes in response to a couple of questions!

So I've split it into two posts so as not to bore you with my voice all at once :) I'll post the next video in a day or two.
Sorry if I say "um" and if I sound weird, or wave my arms around a lot.
But here I am. Uncut :)

***Note: For some reason when I made this I was convinced that it was OCTOBER??? And it's taken me several days to actually get the video uploaded (hey, it's my first time!) so I apologize for the date at the beginning that is completely wrong.***


Jewelielyn said...

i like the video format! since i am a "visual" learner, i tend to like things written down. but this shows a bit of your personality, which i like (although, this was very calm--no uproarious laughter happening...maybe next time...:-)

Megan Hartley Photography said...

Look at you go! Great job! Very informative and interesting. :) Looking forward to part 2!