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Friday, December 4, 2009

Pre-Occupied... college edition

I mentioned briefly in yesterday's frantic post that I am down in San Diego at Point Loma Nazarene University... the college that I attended. I am sitting in the Point Break Cafe (known to students as the PBC) eating an "everything" bagel and drinking a diet coke. This was my breakfast of choice in college. I loved it. There was something about bagels and diet coke at the PBC that just made me happy. So between my classes, I would quickly run in and grab my little breakfast snack and be on my way. It was delicious then, but I think it taste's even better today. I credit that to one simple fact. The diet coke is now in super cool looking bottles! Here's a little shot I took with my palm pre.

Here's the thing... sometimes it's all about the packaging. I'm sure the diet coke doesnt ACTUALLY taste any different than any other diet coke, but because it is so beautiful, it just SEEMS to taste better. Isn't it funny the way that works?

Sitting on the campus of the place I lived only 4 short years ago, I am reminded that everything old is new again... the packaging is better.. there are upgrades and facelifts and new buildings... but it's still the same old Loma.

I am so gratful for the time I spent at this place. I am gratful for the friends I made, the memories I have and the lessons I learned. As much as it's nice to be back for a quick visit, I am so glad to be where I am today. I've come such a long way from that "everything" bagel and diet coke. :)


Jewelielyn said...

yes, you have come a long way. today i could leave you there and not cry, because i know you would be ok. well, i might cry a little, because i would miss you. ok, i might cry some, because i would want to stay right there at the beach with you. yeah, i would still cry.

you have come a long way . . . maybe i have not :)

Jacqueline (Scraps of Life) said...

Oh Diandra, now I want to go visit Loma and sit in the PBC, though my beverage of choice would be a smoothie :) But isn't it just crazy how much things have changed since our days at PLNU? You're doing a fantastic job! Keep it up!