There are other kids who have NO CLUE.
There are still others who think they know, but it just isn't reality.
Comedian Michael Jr has a line in his promo video that just cracks me up...
"My son looks at me out of nowhere, and he just said to me, 'dad.... I want to be a doctor.' I was like, 'yes... yes! YES!' Then he said, 'Or a dinosaur!'"
How true is that of children?
I was a kid of the first kind... From a young age, I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up... a "baby doctor". As I got older and realized I couldn't stand the sight of blood and I was actually much better at arguing... I decided I'd go to law school and become a lawyer. So I headed off to college and decided that instead, I'd be a high school PE teacher. That was my major in college (did you even know you COULD major in that???). Most of my friends changed their major several times, and many of them STILL didn't know what they were going to do even after they had graduated.
I am so blessed to love what I am doing (even though it is not at all what I had ! One of the things that is so cool about photography is you can learn SO MUCH from other people, from forums, and from simply trying new things.
Last week I convinced my friend and his son to let me shoot them... in the dark. So we headed to Old Town Norwalk and shot away using available light and an off camera flash... It was one of those times where I just wanted to try something new. These are not the typical photos you see on this blog, but here are a few of my favorites.

And just because I think he's hilarious... here's the video of Michael Jr.
PS...Love the new look on your blog too...sweet!
wow! I love these pictures! they are super cool! and I think I've seen the models before lol
YAY for the Javi's!!!!
Great shoot :)
Love the pics!
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