I blame my mother.
I remember countless trips to craft stores (or the craft section of Walmart) and many hours spent checking out the office supply isles... pens... paper... sticky notes... note cards... markers... anything you can imagine we'd look for. To this day we seem to have an endless amount of office supplies... and yet, like a perfect pair of jeans... we could always use one more.
I also used to love anything small. Miniatures were amazing to me as a child. I had a printer's box that hung on my wall. I would collect small trinkets and add them one by one.

The other day I got my new business cards. They're SO different than what I had before. I've been looking for something that is different... something that would stand out. I wanted something simple and classic that would be easy to have on me at all times. Then I found these super cool little cards and I fell in love all over again.
I ordered my first batch and they just came in the mail!
Check them out!

Each one has a different picture (actually there are 2 of each picture)

And I got this cool key chain to keep them all in!!!

Front and back.

See how small they are? Ah! I love it!

I am seeing how important branding really is. Little things like this can really make a difference... and I get so excited anytime something changes! Things are really taking shape! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think of all of the newness! :)
UGH! I can't view them because of my blocker, but show them to me in person :)
excellent photographs of your most excellent new business cards. don't you just love it! i would be torn between wanting to give them away and wanting to keep them all for myself (which is WHY we always have so many office supplies . . . )
oh wow, they are way cool!
ooh I like them!! A lot!! :oD I agree, office supplies of any kind are wonderful. Funny thing is, I married a man who also loves them, so now i have someone to scann the isles with :o) I love you!
Awesome! Now, hand them all out! Like a card dealer in Vegas! Just kidding.
Those are so cute and clever.. were they expensive?? i love them!!
Great idea!!
Save me one. I hope your picture is on at least one. Gorgeous...
I love the business cards!! They definitely caught my eye. It is so exciting to see the way your business and your talent is soaring! Way to go!
ahhhhhh!!! those are soooo cute!
These are so adorable, Diandra! I might have to look into getting some myself. I have boring old cards that I never liked much in the first place, lol.
where did you get these? they are sooooo cute.
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