There, I said it.
I am in love with office supplies...
...paper, pens, post it notes... ooooh, post it notes...
I can spend hours at Staples or online looking at stationary stores.
I never go into WalMart or Target without walking down their office supply aisles...
You may have noticed some slight changes to my blog in the past few months. And in honor of this post... a new banner :)
I am working on branding my company. You see, I am very indecisive. And I like change. It is for this very reason that I have had brown hair, red hair, orange hair (accident), dark blond hair, green hair (another accident), and platinum blond hair. My natural color is blond... but I love to change it. I've also had bangs, no bangs, side bangs, long bangs, short hair, long hair, medium hair, layered hair, and even fake hair (yay extensions!). It is a well known fact that I cannot make up my mind. It seems to be the same story with my company branding.
But I have started to make some progress. You may remember THIS POST. Where I talked about my new business cards and post it notes. That was the first step to my new brand. From there, I decided it was time to re-do my website. I love my blog... and I kind of like my website... but it was really something I put together just so that I could have something up. But I want to LOVE it. So I am working on re-designing and really finding my brand and my style.
Here is a sneak peak at what may be coming...

AND... I just have to mention that I have hit over 1000 visitors! In just about 2 weeks! I can't even believe it! When I started writing this blog, I think my mom was the only one that read it :) So thanks for making me the happiest girl ever today! And I totally copied some other bloggers that I love, but why not... here is what I found when I googled "1000"... I think it's kind of fitting!

Hi Diandra! Yay for branding. Please let me know if you have any questions, since I have gone through it. Can't wait to see all of the changes coming up.
you get your love of office supplies from me :) and from grams stuffing your christmas stocking with markers and paper and post its . . . see, office supplies are like christmas to you!
Sounds like you pretty much copy everything Jasime-star does. How she "loves" showit..and david use her pictures...she's sweet enough to help you along the way, but to just take her stuff and run with it is not fair. Re-evaluate who you are..not copy someone else bc they are creative...
It happens to me too...I go crazy when I see scrapbooking stuff...
Stickers, paper, markers....etc...Edgar gets mad because he says its way to much but what can I do...
I have become a fan of not only your photos but also of your blogs! I really like the way you write... It's as if you were actually speaking and not just writting! Keep up the good work!!! God Bless You!!
Thanks you guys! Im really enjoying getting this up and going... I love writing and showing you pictures and all of that great stuff! Glad you're enjoying it too! :)
where did you take these pictures at?
Tira... I'll definitely take you up on that! I love your site and you've done so well at branding!
mom, i blame... er.. give you credit for a lot of weird quirks I have...
anonymous... check out my most recent blog... Jasmine is incredible and I really respect her work. I would never copy her or take for granted the gift she's given me. I also use a lot of the advice she gives publicly to photographers... including branding. i haven't taken anything of hers, i speak of her often and give her all kinds of props on here because she has been a big part of my inspiration... and she knows that. i tell her.
suany... we should get our office supplies together for a play date :)
Of course...But lets just not tell Edgar. You let me know and we'll do it..Yay!!!
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