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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Everyday: Samantha: Sweetharts

As a little girl, I loved playing dress up. I can only imagine how excited I would have been to have one of these adorable tutus. I am convinced that I have the most talented friends in the world. So when my friend, Nicole Hart, started her very own company making and selling tutus and headbands and other cute little girl accessories, I jumped at the opportunity to take some photos for her! She's based in Oregon, but can ship anywhere. And she can totally customize for you! Here is the first half of the photos I took for her Sweethart line. Meet Miss Samantha!












And here's a little preview of the darling Savanna who will be coming to the blog soon :)





ruth eileen photography said...

very cute! i just learned how to make tutus as well... i got to photograph my first little girl with one the other day!

Michelle said...

I love the last two. SO cute! And yes, dress up is so fun!

. s h e r r y * said...

Cute! :) LOVE the tutus. :) (I want one, haha).

Bianca said...

Too cute!

Diandra Ann said...

Maryanne! Soooo cool to see a comment from you!

Yes, it was a prime lens. a 50mm 1.4. But if you're on a budget, I highly suggest the 50mm 1.8. You can find it for around $100. That was my first prime and I LOVED it! I think you may have inspired an FAQ post :)

Hope all is well!

ashleigh said...

very sweet session!!!! great job diandra :)

Cindee said...

the last 2 shots are killer diandra!!

Unknown said...

Ok these are GORGEOUS! you are so talented! and those last two with them dancing and that beautiful light? perfection!

Jordan said...

Those are adorable!

Unknown said...

Holy Wow. These pictures are so gorgeous. I LOVE your friends accesories. And the little missing tooth smile... LOVE that! What a wonderful set of pictures. Gorgeous in every way!

Congratulations on being a winner at I Heart Faces this week. That is just awesome!